
The Northern Photography Fundraising Project ( #NPFP )

The Northern Photography Fundraising Project

■ The Origin of the Project ■

I was very shocked by the scope and scale of the disaster in Japan and was in a daze for a week.

My personal career is arranging Alaska/Yukon trips and helping to maximize client enjoyment on their vacation.

But, now, who in Japan is concerned with fun and international vacations? How could I be a resource  in midst of the rescue and reconstruction of my country?  I was disheartened by my seeming powerlessness.

Then, I discovered a fundraising website by alpinist, Nobukazu Kuriki.
It was then clear to me what I can do with my specialty.

One valuable lesson I learned from the disaster is how valuable social networking is.

And, I myself  know a great number of people who love the beauty of the far north.  One person alone cannot do much, but we can do real good together.

Here, I started the Northern Photography Funding Project that far-north-lovers can enjoy contributing.

(I officially declared the project on March 28th. The website will be open to public on April 3rd.)

■ Image Figure ■
Photographers/Adventurers: Offer the pictures that can be used as a wallpaper
North region fans: Be able to buy the pictures -100% of the profit
will be donation.
Tour agencies: Advertise the project website

■ Method ■
I would like participants to feel the "network & cooperation" among them, instead of one-way announcements.  Therefore, the method I chose is using "Just Giving" (http://www.justgiving.com/).

 I set the target 10,000USD or 1,000,000YEN.

 (I am creating the website as of 3/29. Please refer the attachment for the website image)

■ To Those Who Donate Photos ■

- The photographs have to be within your COPYRIGHT / signature,
watermark or neither are up to the donor

- ONE or TWO photographs taken in ALASKA or CANADA

- JPG format / 1280~1024pxl or larger / landscape format

- Attach the caption
       1 Photographer's name
       2 Website URL if you wish to
       3 Location that the Photo was taken
       4 Comments about the photo and/or  a message of encouragement within
150 characters  (Our systems will translate it into Japanese.)

- The due date is Friday, the 1st of April to make it in time for the
website opening on 4/3.

■ Contact
wildernessryoko  yahoo.co.jp   
Ryoko Aosaki

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